Student Ambassador Program
Student Ambassadors are outstanding student leaders selected to represent TCHS in their school districts and in our community. Student Ambassadors demonstrate leadership, achievement in academics and their technical skill, and convey the significance of lifelong relationships built at a career and technical school. Ambassadors enjoy engaging with people, are committed to creating awareness about TCHS, and are excited about sharing their experiences with others. They are also positive role models to their peers at TCHS.
Interested in Applying?Applicants will be expected to:
- Write a short essay on why you would make a good TCHS Ambassador and what TCHS means to you
- Submit a signed photo release form
- Submit a recommendation from your CTE instructor
- Submit a recommendation from one sending-school academic instructor
A brief interview will be scheduled for all students who qualify, and acceptances will be announced at the end of the year with an induction ceremony at the beginning of the school year.
Student Organizations
We encourage you to engage in a variety of student clubs and organizations. Explore your passions and find what interests you!
- American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS)
- Chester County Student Forum
- Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA)
- Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
- Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
- Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA)
- National Vocational Technical Honor Society
- SkillsUSA
- Varsity Sports