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Two female EMT students in orange uniforms sit in classroom setting. One student uses a small flashlight to check the eyes of the other student.

Allied Health - EMT Program, preparing students to gain hands-on experience in providing emergency medical care and transportation for critical and emergent patients.

In this fast-paced program, students will receive the training and academic instruction necessary to be effective EMTs in the field. Through a partnership with Good Fellowship Club of Chester County, Inc., students will have the opportunity to gain experience as a part of an ambulance crew and may have the opportunity to assist the crew with medical emergencies once they are properly certified. This program prepares students to enter the workforce as an EMT and/or pursue post-secondary opportunities upon successful completion.

Two students in orange program uniforms practicing medical skills, with one student taking the blood pressure of the other. Both are wearing matching polo shirts with program logos and appear to be in a medical training classroom.

Sample Career Skills

  • Gain hands-on experience through rotations on an ambulance crew through Good Fellowship Club of Chester County, Inc.
  • Measure and record vital signs, such as: taking temperatures, pulse, respirations, blood pressure, and being able to perform CPR
  • Conduct a patient assessment to determine medical status and identify trauma
  • Assess oxygen usage and perform airway insertion, assisted medications and spinal immobilization, traction splinting, and the use of mechanical CPR devices
  • Assist with normal and non-routine baby deliveries
  • Demonstrate bleeding control with bandaging, dressings, and tourniquet use
  • Understand medical terminology and communication skills necessary to engage with patients and medical staff in an emergency

Program Opportunities


  • American Heart Association CPR for Health Care Providers
  • Certified Emergency Medical Technician
  • Emergency Vehicle Operators Course
  • FEMA National Incident Command (NIMS) 100, 200, 700, 800
  • Hazardous Materials Awareness Competency
  • Pre hospital Trauma Life Support Provider Course (PHTLS)
  • Traffic Incident Management Systems (TIMS)

Workplace Opportunities

Placement opportunities include:

Good Fellowship Club of Chester County, Inc., AFG Urgent Care Center, and more!