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Female TCHS student sits behind computer and works on assignment in the commercial graphic arts & design classroom.

Commercial Art & Design Media, preparing creative students for careers and further education in the graphic communications and design industry.

The Commercial Art & Design Media program is based on industry standards that prepares students for admission to post-secondary art schools and entry-level employment in the graphic communications industry. Upon completion of the program, students have a portfolio of their work to present to prospective employers and college admissions officers.

Female TCHS student in TCHS logo sweatshirt holds poster as it is being printed in the commercial graphic arts & design classroom.

Career Skill LevelsThe various skill career levels for technical college high school: beginning, intermediate, advanced.

Program Opportunities


  • Adobe Creative Cloud Suite Certification
  • Pennsylvania Skills Certificate

Workplace Opportunities

Some notable partners include:

Denron Signs, PRO Signs, Blue Dog Print & Design, the Chester County Art Association, and more!


CIP 50.0402

The Department of Education provides a CIP Code to approved Programs of Study (POS). Schools and postsecondary institutions use the CIP code to categorize the POS, outline the scope and sequence of educational offerings, and develop a POS task list. Click here to review the task list.