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A student and a teacher are examining a light brown rabbit on a pink mat in what looks like a veterinary science lab. The student is using a stethoscope to listen to the rabbit's heartbeat, while the teacher observes and smiles. The lab has clinical equipment visible in the background, emphasizing a hands-on learning environment.

Animal science, preparing students to provide for the welfare of animals in the companion and product field.

Working directly with small and large animals, the Animal Science program prepares students to provide for the welfare of animals in the companion and production fields. Students who wish to combine a love for animals with an interest in science are prepared to explore post-secondary educational opportunities as well as entry-level employment.

TCHS veterinary science student in blue scrubs stands at examining table with scruffy dog in classroom setting.

Career Skill Levels

The various skill career levels for technical college high school: beginning, intermediate, advanced.

Program Opportunities


  • CareerSafe OSHA 10 Agriculture Daily Nutrition Matters 101, 201, 301 Certificate
  • Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow
  • Pennsylvania Beef Quality Assurance Certificate

Workplace Opportunities

Some notable partners include:

The Animal Hospital of Chester County, Best in Coat Grooming Salon, and more!


Tour the Program

CIP 01.0901

The Department of Education provides a CIP Code to approved Programs of Study (POS). Schools and postsecondary institutions use the CIP code to categorize the POS, outline the scope and sequence of educational offerings and develop a POS task list. Click here to review the task list